1.        Compare and contrast accuracy and precision.  Consider how one could improve the accuracy of a measurement? the precision of a measurement?

For precision find measuring tools with more precise tick marks. For accuracy you must find stable consistant tool.

2.        Compare the number of significant figures in the calculations and measurements taken with the ruler to the measurements taken with the caliper and micrometer.  Discuss the differences in precision of these instruments.

While taking measurements with a ruler the significant figures are only to one decimal place, with the significant figures of a caliper are two and the micrometer has three decimal places.

3.        Compare your measurements and calculations with those of a classmate.  Are they the same?  Discuss sources of error in the accuracy of the measurements.

No, they are not precisely the same because we measured different sizes of the same object.

4.        Which instrument is more precise, the metric ruler, micrometer or caliper?

The most precise instrument is the micrometer.
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